8 thoughts on “More To The Left

        1. I wear mine short, to preclude balding…which I don’t care to do.
          But, I need a lightweight hat, to prevent sunstroke. I don’t know why desert houses have skylights.


    1. Heat and Dust, I understand…I’ve forgotten Cool, is that urban? I sit in the shade, which feels very much like slow cooking. Indoors, at the new place, it is temperate, and I use only fans, ceiling fans…and spend more time on a ladder than necessary. The Old Place is crawling with green lizards, who just stop and stare…they don’t run away. The hummingbirds, usually territorial, queue at the fountain and seem dazed. Oddly, I’m liking it all.


        1. That can spoil a person. I’m attempting radical acclimatization; then, when it drops into the 90’s, in September, it shall really feel cool. There are a few days in between, that are the exception to the ruling heat. I do not walk in the sun.


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